Taxpayers to McGuinty: Forget the fiscal imbalance and fix Ontario's finances

Author: Neil Desai 2006/09/25
TORONTO - The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) reacted to Liberal Premier Dalton McGuinty's statement to the media this morning calling on the federal government to increase transfer payments for the province of Ontario in light of the $13-billion federal surplus announced yesterday.

"Premier McGuinty should not be looking anywhere but the mirror to solve the so-called fiscal imbalance. While he cries poor, he and his government committed to another $300-million in spending announcements just last week" said CTF Ontario director Neil Desai. "Mr. McGuinty came to power on a platform of balanced budgets and fiscal responsibility yet his government's record has been a polar opposite. Now he's shifting responsibility over the fate of the Ontario economy on anyone but himself"

McGuinty's government achieved its first surplus in August despite a forecast of a $1.4 billion deficit. The unexpected surplus, described as an anomaly by the Liberal government, was not returned to taxpayers or put towards debt reduction because future surpluses were not projected.

"Premier McGuinty should spend less time reviewing the federal government's finances and realize that his tax more, spend more policies are leaving Ontarians at a competitive disadvantage. That's the real imbalance Premier McGuinty should be focusing his attention on."

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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